Children of Bodom — Follow the Reaper. Shining — Within Deep Dark Chambers. Rhapsody — Dawn of Victory. Scorpions — Moment of Glory. King Diamond. Them Out From The Asylum Lyrics. The Invisible Guests Lyrics. Tea Lyrics. Mother's Getting Weaker Lyrics. Bye, Bye Missy Lyrics. A Broken Spell Lyrics. By Album. Listen online. Year: Views. Discuss the Welcome Home Lyrics with the community: 0 Comments. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account.
Log In. Powered by CITE. Missing lyrics by King Diamond? BendOverRover on March 08, Link. BendOverRover Um, no. They're self contained stories. They have nothing to do with Metallica. And "Puppet Master" is the name of the main Antagonist from that album. BuckALE on September 03, Artists - K. Welcome Home is found on the album Them. Rate These Lyrics. We do not have any tags for Welcome Home lyrics.
Why not add your own? Log in to add a tag. More King Diamond Lyrics. SongMeanings is a place for discussion and discovery. Grandma what was it like to be on That holiday site Oh it could have been worse but With them by my side In the twilight they sang all the old Lullabies Grandma who are they Let us go inside, somethings on Their mind They are still alive, can you feel Their eyes Can you feel their eyes? Now that you are stuck with me you Better be my friend.
All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.