Should i take cervical cancer vaccine

Currently, there are no serious side effects associated with the cervical cancer vaccine. Pregnant women should also avoid vaccination. The cervical cancer vaccine does not serve as treatment if you already have an HPV infection or HPV-caused disease, although it may still be recommended to protect against other strains of HPV. Moffitt is here to provide you with the information you need to make an educated decision about your health and what cancer prevention strategies may be right for you.

To consult with a Moffitt physician about the cervical cancer vaccine, call or submit a new patient registration form online. Please call for support from a Moffitt representative.

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Moffit now offers Virtual Visits for patients. If you are eligible for a virtual appointment, our scheduling team will discuss this option further with you. The researchers said the success meant those who were vaccinated may need far fewer cervical smear tests too. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women around the world, killing more than , each year.

Almost nine-in deaths are in low and middle income countries where there is little access to cervical cancer screening. The hope is vaccination will have an even bigger impact in those countries than wealthier nations such as the UK.

More than countries have starting using the vaccine as part of World Health Organization plans to get close to eliminating cervical cancer. In the UK, girls are offered the vaccine between the ages of 11 and 13, depending on where they live.

The vaccine has also been offered to boys since The HPV vaccine can only prevent an infection, it cannot rid the body of the virus once it has been caught. The viruses are so widespread that immunisation has to be aimed at children before they become sexually active. The study, published in the Lancet, looked at what happened after the vaccine was introduced for girls in England in Those pupils are now adults in their 20s.

The reductions were less dramatic when older teenagers were immunised as part of a catch-up campaign. This is because fewer older teenagers decided to have the jab and they may already have been sexually active. Overall, the study estimated the HPV programme has prevented about cancers and 17, pre-cancers. Prof Sasieni said that was "just the tip of the iceberg" because those vaccinated were still young to be getting cancer, so the numbers would only grow with time.

Laura Flaherty was diagnosed with cervical cancer this year at the age of 29 after putting off a routine smear test. Cancer Research Workforce. Partners in Cancer Research. What Are Cancer Research Studies. Research Studies. Get Involved. Cancer Biology Research. Cancer Genomics Research. Research on Causes of Cancer.

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