Benefits include:. When employees are motivated to work, they will generally put their best effort in the tasks that are assigned to them. Employee satisfaction is important for every company because this can lead towards a positive growth for the company. Once that worker meets some initial goals, they realise the clear link between effort and results, which will further motivate them to continue at a high level.
For the company to get the very best results, an employee needs to have a good balance between the ability to perform the task given and willingness to want to perform the task. This balance can lead to an increase of productivity and an improvement in efficiency. Image: Stock Snap. The easiest way to increase employee motivation is by having positive communication at the workplace.
Not relying only on emails but by making sure they talk to their employees in person and even on a personal level, if possible. Try setting aside some time each day to talk with employees or you can join them during coffee breaks instead of sitting at your desk. By doing so, you actually make employees feel as though you are part of the team; a leader instead of just the boss. Experts agree that team communication is super valuable. Employees also want to see the company that they are working for succeed.
Many have excellent ideas, ranging from money saving to operational improvements. Your employees may have the need to grow mentally, emotionally and financially. Last of all, your employees want to make a contribution. They want to contribute to the greater whole. If your organisation fulfils a socially relevant role, this will contribute to your organisation's success. This need can, just like growth, be an important key on a personal level to leading a satisfying life.
Fulfilling these needs at the work level is also an important key to your performance and success as a whole organisation. There are two distinguishable sorts of motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation means that people want to make an effort for something because they are stimulated from inside, for example by being given responsibilities. This form of motivation is entirely dependent on the nature of the activity. The activity is an enriching experience for them, which offers challenges and opportunities to develop. Extrinsic motivation means that people will make an effort for something, because they are stimulated from outside, for example by money or status.
In contrast to intrinsic motivation, in which work is seen as valuable, employees who are extrinsically motivated see their work purely and solely as a means to an end. Fulfilment is not gained from the work itself but from related things. Employees are economically motivated if they take good remuneration, good working conditions and job security as the basis on which to evaluate their work. Status and chances for promotion give a feeling of fulfilment.
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are related in the sense that intrinsic motivation can be coloured by extrinsic influences. Factors that are external to the individual, such as remuneration, can have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation. Linking bonuses to targets can lead to employees who initially worked enthusiastically to meet targets, ultimately only focusing on the target that offers the biggest bonus. What is it? Survival syndrome is a term that describes the impact of major change upon employee attitudes and behaviours for those that remain after reductions in the workforce have recently occurred.
The feeling of job uncertainty and the negative external market result in a high level of psychological stress. By assessing the measure and attitudinal drivers of Survival Syndrome it becomes possible to manage it, such that organisational performance, productivity and loss of key employees is minimised. Home solutions plans knowledge about us contact world-class workplace my effectory survey login Questions?
What is employee motivation? Lodewijk Noordzij 24 June 24 June What does someone do? Intensity: it activates action. How hard does someone work? Perseverance: it sustains action. How long does someone keep working? Meaningful: gives meaning to action. For example, a manager may give out an employee of the month award or offer a bonus to the highest performing worker in a department. In contrast, an intrinsically motivated employee is inspired to do well from a desire for acceptance, meaningful work, power, independence or some other internal factor.
Managers can provide interesting and challenging work to motivate these employees. The benefits of employee motivation go beyond just keeping employees happy at work and increasing employee morale. Motivated workers also stay focused and work more productively and effectively to meet goals and obtain the rewards and recognition they seek. This increased quality of work and productivity can help a company reduce its costs.
And keeping these employees motivated and satisfied with their jobs decreases turnover and its often high associated costs as well. Also, motivated employees who feel their ideas and work have meaning may feel more comfortable being creative and offering suggestions to management, and this insight can help managers improve the company.
Understanding Herzberg's motivational theory, also called the two-factor theory, can give managers insight on what workplace qualities motivate and don't motivate employees.
According to this theory, employees feel satisfied and motivated in workplaces that offer:.