What was tower heist alternate ending

Tower Heist comes to Blu-ray in widescreen 2. As a new film it looks outstanding, and a DVD and digital copy is also included. There are two alternate endings 3 min. This is followed by nine deleted or alternate takes 6 min.

Share Share Tweet Email. Since I basically, at this point, need it to be the best film of the whole year, I expect to be let down, but hopefully only by a little. Mostly by being the most obvious possible treatment of the Marilyn Monroe legend, with a Michelle Williams performance that should have been better than it is. This one I have not seen, and reviews are unhelpfully mixed, but Cronenberg always makes for essential viewing.

Toggle navigation Menu. Tower Heist. The Abominable Dr. View on Twitter. Alternate Ending Alternate Ending was formed when three friends realized they all shared a passion for movies. Our goal is to save you time and money by sharing our thoughts and recommendations on which movies to race to theaters for, which to watch at home and those to actively avoid.

What makes Alternate Ending different from other film sites and podcasts? Tim Brayton, our seasoned film critic, shares a more critical view of film, an appreciation for vintage cinema and perhaps limited-release movies that we might otherwise miss.

Carrie, our casual movie-goer, reminds us all that cinema is in fact supposed to be fun and entertaining and that sometimes, just sometimes, happy endings are good. Too many film sites cater to the same kind of audience, with one overwhelming voice in the writing, but what we treasure at Alternate Ending is diversity: diversity of opinion, diversity in belief about what film should do and how it should do it.

We want to celebrate our different opinions, and celebrate yours as well. DVDs can be longer or shorter under different countries' TV systems. Please try one of these times:. Continuity mistake : When Mr. Fitzhugh and Slide are fighting over the gun in the penthouse, the gun accidentally fires and hits the car and the gun makes bullet holes in the car, and Josh also scrapes it with the crowbar, but later in the movie, the bullet holes and the scrape are gone.

Continuity mistake : In the end when everyone is opening their boxes, Miss Levenco lawyer receives the gold grill. Before opening the box she is alone in the room.

When she pulls out the grill and cheers in excitement, a woman appears behind her. Continuity mistake : In the Alternate Ending: 15 Months Later, when Slide is leaning on the car the bumper is chrome with some gold showing through, but in the next shot the bumper is completely gold. Continuity mistake : When Jillian confronts Mr Shaw about losing the money, he flips out and eventually loses his job over damaging the car with a golf club.

He demolished all the windows and tail lights. Later when they try to steal it, there is no damage and the glass is intact.


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