Vault 34 where is the overseer

Go into the water and follow the path. Find the dead Vault Technician under the desk. Make sure to do this quickly, or have the rebreather, because there are no air pockets underwater here. Take the Vault 34 Security Terminal Password.

Get out of the water the way you came in. Continue down the hallway turn to your right after exiting the water and go straight the way you were going before until the hallway bends left. At that point, look to your left pretty much behind you to find the door to the Clinic. Enter it. Go through the clinic and enter the closed door behind the screen.

Go through the door and down the hallway until it turns left. Look to your right to find another pool of water behind a doorway.

The other way goes to the armory through a door that needs to be unlocked with the overseer's terminal before it can be entered. To access the armory, two passwords from two ghoul engineers that are in submerged areas must be found. Then a terminal must be used to pump water out of a flooded area and a second terminal will be used to unlock the overseer's door. The overseer is a feral ghoul reaver , who is directly assisted in defense by two turrets. Once neutralized, the armory password is gleaned from the corpse, which allows the terminal to be hacked and armory accessed by progressing through the clinic.

The armory is a small, two-level room, with weapons and ammunition scattered around on the floor, tables, and shelves. The unique weapon All-American is found on an overturned table to the right side of the armory, and in a Very Hard locked footlocker , is the pulse gun.

Most of the weapons in the armory are in very poor condition. The upper gantry is inaccessible. The door to this small area is underwater, but can easily be accessed once the water is pumped out. It contains security guards and a set of security armor. An overseer's journal fragment is found on the desk, next to the terminal which unlocks the overseer's quarters. Vault 34 appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

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Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Vault View source. History Talk Then you can get access to the office, kill the Ghoul Overseer orange glowing ghowl defended by 2 turrents and take the Overseer's terminal code from his body, access the PC and select "Unlock Armory access" and then you can go to the armory and loot whatever you want after dispatching the remaining ghouls.

If you are having trouble finding the Overseer's door, go to the infirmary and look for a sign that points "Overseer Office" you'll see a blocked passage but go to it and turn , the door is right there can be frustrating since its a on your back and its really easy to get fooled by the obstruction thinking that the way ahead is blocked.

User Info: erdvilla. Other Answers. Not really a key. You have to unlock the door via the computer in the overseer's office. User Info: LB3. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.

Then one of those flooded areas will be unclogged and you will be able to enter it. You get the password from searching the overseer after killing him. Utility room terminal This Very Hard locked terminal unlocked with the Vault 34 utility terminal password is located in the Utility room on the First Floor, near the Armory.

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